Reunion 2014

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After a quiet 2013, Peter Fielding organised a wonderful walking weekend for us on the 10th and 11th May 2014.

Here is Peter’s essay about the weekend :-

It was back in 2013 that I felt it would be an idea if some of the old boys (OB’s) could perhaps reunite but with a day walking as its focus. Not really knowing what the response would be, if any, I put it out there via Gordon’s (Dyer) distribution list.

The itinerary was devised as detailed below:


    • Meet 12.00pm at the Rydal Road car park at the northern end of Ambleside village on the left beyond Beatrix Potter House situated over the stream

    • Up Loughrigg to the tarn and lunch at a suitable juncture

    • Back to The Golden Rule public house in Ambleside for refreshment

    • Return to respective accommodation

    • Meet 7.30pm for dinner and drinks at Waterhead Hotel

    • Sleep



    • Breakfast at respective accomm.

    • Pick up lunch pasties, filled subs etc.

    • All meet at 11.00am at the Broadgate Meadow car park situated on the right at the far end of Grasmere village (from a southern perspective)

    • Walk up Easedale Tarn and Tarn Crag as a quick extension

    • Walk done and disperse knackered but replete!

Loughrigg Walk -01
Loughrigg Walk -402
Loughrigg Walk-Gordon

As we met up on a pretty dismal Saturday morning we, (but especially me!) hoped that the weather would allow us to walk without getting totally drenched. As some of the OB’s were unknown to me I hoped that there would be some familiar faces to gather the group when I arrived! Fortunately Mr Edward Gorton had arrived in good time. The group then came together and intros. made.

Then a chap called Bill Peel arrived whose name wasn’t on the list which threw my organisational skills into confusion at the first hurdle. On further conversations he said that he was an OB but wasn’t going to be walking but wanted to show us some memorabilia he had and also that he lived opposite The Golden Rule pub where we were to meet up later and could we contact him when we were due to rendezvous there for a libation or three. All sorted.


The group for the weekend included:

Pete Fielding
Gordon & Irene Dyer
Edward Bunting
Margaret Baxter
Andrew West
Edward Gorton

Stewart Sutcliffe
Mike Cheetham
Anthony & Liz Robinson
David & Caroline Fortune
Bill Peel

With the walk up Loughrigg starting from Ambleside with an immediate steep incline for about a mile, I was hoping that it wouldn’t kill too many of our group so it was some surprise when I realised that not only was everybody marching up the incline (HH style) but were chatting merrily! Phew!

As I hadn’t done the walk for some time it was with a little relief that the group decided to go “off piste” so my direction skills weren’t crucial. We all seemed to be socialising and making new acquaintances with the common bond of HH. Some in the group were trying to find the spot where Herbert Butler had been painted By Claude Harrison. Think we found it!

We stopped near the summit for our respective pack lunches and sure someone had brought a G&T though it was unconfirmed. We were overlooking both Grasmere and Rydal lakes and despite the inclemency of the weather the view was stunning as only the lakes can do… any season, any weather, absolutely brilliant!

Loughrigg Walk-Gordon2
Loughrigg Walk-Gordon
Loughrigg Walk-Gordon4
Loughrigg Walk -121

On our descent (makes it sound like Everest, though to some I think it probably felt like it!) we went via Rydal caves with many reminiscing of times past. Stopping for a well received ice-cream courtesy of Mike we wound our way along the under Loughrigg road shouting “car” when appropriate (you never lose it!) it was great that we had all met (some as strangers) and had all gelled together.

Edward B had some shoe issue where his sole made its way off its chassis or as it later became known as having Bunted! A new pair was purloined for the following day’s excursions.

Drinks at the Rule

Drinks at the Rule

Bill Peel

Bill Peel

David had organised some prints of the Herbert painting so all was negotiated in the car park, car boot style and monies exchanged. Then it was off to The Rule for those who had the need and we met up with Bill for beerage (Dizzy Blonde amongst them). Great to sit and chat and look forward to dinner to be served at The Waterhead Hotel where we had met for the reunion luncheon two years previously.

All returned to their accommodation to change/shower and then met up for pre-dinner drinks looking transformed from the walking attire. Suffice to say with wine flowing as much as the conversation it was great to relax in convivial company and also to be joined by Margaret who unfortunately through commitments couldn’t make the walks.


Sunday morning saw us meet in Grasmere and I was hoping that the cycling event (The Fred Whitton Challenge) wouldn’t give us any parking headaches. No problems though David subsequently had “fine” issues later!

Up to Easdale Tarn saw us reach the tarn in good time and the weather was kind though a little overcast. Again although a steep incline it didn’t faze our sturdy group. So when I had mooted Tarn Crag as an extension to the walk Anthony (who we had learned was an active member of the Coniston Mountain Rescue Service) took Edward G and myself up the sheep trails to the crag that overlooks Easdale Tarn. Suffice to say having ascended it a year previously it still takes your breath away in more ways than one. The remainder of the group completed a circuit of Easdale amid some semaphoring to us at the top! Anthony’s route down was very interesting as it was like scrambling but good fun though Edward was cacking himself some of the time!

The three of us who had returned down from Tarn Crag had our later lunch (mine was pasty from The Apple Tree Bakery…recommended) and met up with the remaining group who were ascending slowly.


We all then met up back at the car park and said our fond farewells having made new friends and hoping that we could again meet up to celebrate our formative early days. Thanks to all who made it and I know there were some late cancellations who were very disappointed not to have made it for the weekend but from reports back it all seemed to go swimmingly….now there’s a thought!

Peter Fielding, July 2014.