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GVB Grave, Hawkshead Churchyard

GVB Grave

GVB Grave, Transcription

gvb grave text

Hawkshead Church

Hawkshead Churchyard<br />

Hubert and Nita Butler’s Grave, St John the Baptist Church, Broughton, near Preston

GVB Grave

Hubert and Nita Butler’s Grave, St John the Baptist Church,

Hubert and Nita grave

St John the Baptist Church, Broughton, near Preston. Image credit: Bob the Greenacre Cat

St John the Baptist church

HDB. The man with the map. By Claude Harrison

HDB 1957

Silver Salver given to Hubert Butler after closing the school, thanks to Richard Welbury

silver salver

Silver Salver inscription thanks to Richard Welbury

silver salver inscription

Nita Butler, 1957. By Claude Harrison

Nita Butler